Saturday, February 4, 2012

12/23/2011 - Double J - Ollie
12/17/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - White
Today was a big day. You fell off your horse today. Well more like Flew off your horse!! The farm had some workers up on the roof doing some repairs. We were getting ready for a snow storm. Well they were pounding on something and another woman was ridding Buddy. Buddy was spooked the whole ride but about half way though he took off. The women that was on Buddy was heavy and experienced so she was able to stop him but White took off with you. You tried to hold on but he was at a full Gallop and there was no way for you to get him under control. After about a half a loop you fell off toward the wall. As soon as you fell off it was almost like White had breaks on. He stopped right there. I ran into the ring and and helped you stand up. You were crying so I scooped you up in my arms and carried you back over to the mounting blocks. I sat you down the brushed you off, felt your legs and made sure nothing was broken. I wiped your tears and stood you up and said " Are you ready to get back on" You said "YES" They walked you around the ring a few times and off you went.
You are going to fall allot in life.... Remember to get back up! I will always be there to pick you up and dust you off. I love you very much Maddy
12/16/2011 - Double J - Sunny
I am still trying to rebuild the database that I lost but i am amazed on how much you remember about your lessons. You were able to tell me that Sunny was share boarded and that she was a really smooth ride.
12/10/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Buddy

Man does this picture say a thousand words... I am going to have to fight the boys off with a stick. I am not looking forward to that :)
12/03/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - White
11-26-2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Buddy

No one showed up today so you had a private lesson. At this barn you are still doing the basics but it helps give you more saddle time.
11/18/2011 - Double J - Maybelline
11-12-2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - White

Friday, February 3, 2012

11/04/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Shaddow
Kathy is stating to do a games with you to help you balance. This game was like duck, duck goose.. You each had a pole and a ridder would take the cup and put it on a pole. If it was your pole you had to ride around the barn to get it. You have lots of fun here.
11/05/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Buddy
11/04/2011 - Double J - Maybelline
10/29/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Buddy

Monday, January 30, 2012

10/28/2011 - Double J - Piper
10/22/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - White

Starting to get colder now. There are less and less riders in your class. I think there was 5 or 6 today.
10/21/2011 - Double J - Fancy
Nice two point!!
10/15/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Suzie

Today was the Fitzjoy Student show. You did great. you got 8th in your Showman Ship at the Halter and 3rd in your Walk / Trot group. I was so sick that day. I took you to your first show, came back home and was just to tired to go back. I went to bed and your Mom took you for your second show. You rode Suzie.. The first horse you ever rode. Keep it up sweetheart.
10/14/2011 - Double J - Shadow
You are starting to get very comfortable with ridding. I think after the show you are feeling more confident in your abilities. Don't ever stop believing in yourself. You can do anything you set your mind to.
10-09-2011 - Double J - Ollie

This was your first student horse show. It was about 95 degrees out so non of the horses we being very nice. You got 5th and 6th place. You were so happy
10-08-2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Cloud
This is the class where Nancy was explaining to you what you will be doing for your fist student show. You were very excited. Can't you tell by your picture :)
10-07-2011 - Double J - Meg
You were supposed to be ridding Meg in the Student show but she was really giving you a hard time today. Meg likes to yank her reigns and that hurts your shoulders. You started to cry and they put you on Ollie.. You will ride Ollie in the horse show in a few days.
10-01-2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - White
09-30-2011 - Double J - Kiley

Not sure why but this is the only picture I have of you from that day :(
09-24-2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Buddy

Today was the Fitzjoy Ride for St. Jude trail ride. You had a good time but said the Buddy was hungry so he was stopping and eating the whole time. One of the reasons why I liked Fitzjoy at first was the huge trails that were next to the farm. I continue to ask you which barn you want to stay with and you say Double J.. Every time.
09-23-2011 - Double J - Ollie
09-17-2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Cloud
I do not remember everything from these older lessons but I do remember this one! Michelle is teaching this class and today she made you cry. I think part of it is she makes you nervous and part is your Arthritis. She did tell you today that there was no crying in horse back riding! Remember that as you continue though your Equestrian Carrier. Do not ever let this get you frustrated. You love ridding and being around horses. If you get upset cause the horse is not doing what you want or you just cant get that jump take a step back and remember why you are doing this.. YOU LOVE HORSES :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

09/16/2011 - Double J - Eros

This is your first small group lesson at Double J. Today you had to Tack Eros and he popped you in face. You started to cry but Carrie the tack girl got you a ice bag and took very good care of you.
09/13/2011 - Double J - Maybelline

You love this horse at the Double J. She is about 17 years old but she listens very well to you.
09/10/2011 - Fitzjoy - White / Tucker
White was acting goofy today. He was getting really spooked and he took off with you. You held on but they pulled him from class and put you on Tucker. Nicole rode white for a while with your class then put him away.
09/06/2011 - Double J - Reeses
09/03/2011 - Fitzjoy - Galley

You are defiantly starting to look the part. You are getting more confident in your ridding. The classes are getting full now and there are usually 8 to 10 riders in each class. I am glad we are going to Double J now so you can get some private lessons.
08/30/2011 - Double J - Meg
08/20/2011 - Fitzjoy - White
08/16/2011 - Double J - Fancy

You started today at Double J. We really like this stable better. You are able to do every thing with the horse to get them prepped to ride. They do much more with you in the way to training. Nancy took the time to assess your Arthritis to see your range and she never pushed you. They switched you up to a English Saddle and we will have you switched over to English ad Fitzjoy.
08/13/2011 - Fitzjoy - White

This is your 4th lesson. I am having to rebuild all of this because I was keeping all of this data and it got corrupted.. TWICE. I do not have any information about the ride. I know early on I felt you needed more one on one so we joined another stable. Double J!!
07/9/2011 - Fitzjoy Farm - Suzie

Today was your fist horse Lesson. Grandma wanted to take you horse back riding to see if you liked it. Well big shocker.. You LOVED it. You seemed so comfortable up there. You even Cantered!! This is going to be a start of a life long love for you :)